Payment Details

Electronic payments (Membership, Dues, Foyle Cup, Sportswear, Trips etc.) may now be made to

Sort Code: 98-09-60
Account:    13333050

For REFERENCE please use a Club Tag so we know which account to put the payment against. For monthly dues that’s enough. If the payment is for something else please include one of the words from the list below…

The player’s Club Tag is made up of the first 3 letters of the first name, followed by the first three letters of the surname (Ignoring “Mc” and “O”) and, in the case of players, the last two digits of their year of birth. (Not the Year Group they play for)

A player born in 2007 called Jack McVicar will be “JACVIC07” (regardless of the year group he plays for)

A player born in 2008 called Laura O’Neill will be “LAUNEI08

A coach or volunteer called Billy Johnson will be “BILJOH

A player born in 2012 called Jamie Smith will be “JAMSMI12”. It’s that easy

You should have received your Club tag(s) by text. If not, then we don’t hold a valid mobile number for you. So that means you haven’t registered and updated your details. Do this here.

Because of COVID-19 I’d rather all payments were electronic. But you can still pay by cheque or cash via the Football Factory “dropbox”. It is a black letterbox INSIDE the Factory (cut into the wall of the tuck shop on your left as you enter the Factory). Feel free to drop an envelope in there as you’ve always done with the Club Tag on it and this will find its way to me. Payments this way take longer to reach your account.

Many Thanks
